is there a shiny trubbish in pokemon go?


is there a shiny trubbish in pokemon go?

Is there a shiny trubbish in pokemon go? Yes, Trubbish can be shiny in Pokémon Go! This Poison-type Pokémon from the Unova region is not exactly a fan favorite, but for shiny collectors, the prospect of encountering a shiny Trubbish is an exciting one. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the world of shiny Trubbish in Pokémon Go, exploring its appearance, rarity, and potential uses in battle.

What is a Shiny Pokémon?

Before we dive into the specifics of shiny Trubbish, it’s essential to understand what a shiny Pokémon is. Shiny Pokémon are incredibly rare variants of regular Pokémon that possess a different color scheme. These color variations are highly sought after by collectors and dedicated trainers due to their rarity and unique appearance.

Shiny Trubbish’s Appearance

In Pokémon Go, shiny Trubbish sports a striking blue coloration with green accents, a stark contrast to its regular form’s dull gray and green hues. This vibrant color scheme immediately catches the eye and adds an element of excitement to the hunt for this shiny Pokémon.

Rarity and Encounter Rates

Like most shiny Pokémon, shiny Trubbish is incredibly rare in Pokémon Go. The chances of encountering a shiny Trubbish in the wild or hatching one from an egg are approximately 1 in 500. However, these odds can be increased during special events or through the use of shiny rates boosted by Niantic, the developers of Pokémon Go.

It’s worth noting that Trubbish is not a particularly common Pokémon, which can make the hunt for its shiny form even more challenging. Trainers may need to be patient and persistent in their search, as shiny Trubbish can be elusive.

Potential Uses in Battle

While neither Trubbish nor its evolved form, Garbodor, see any significant meta use in Pokémon Go’s Player vs. Environment (PvE) or Player vs. Player (PvP) battles, they still hold some niche utility in certain situations.

PvE Utility

In PvE battles, such as raids or gym battles, Garbodor can serve as a budget counter against certain Grass and Fairy-type opponents due to its Poison typing. However, its overall performance is generally lackluster compared to more powerful Pokémon in the same type matchups.

PvP Utility

In the PvP arena, Garbodor finds some limited use in the Great League and Ultra League due to its decent bulk and access to movesets like Body Slam and Seed Bomb. While not a top-tier pick, Garbodor can occasionally surprise opponents with its unique typing and moveset combinations.

However, it’s important to note that neither Trubbish nor Garbodor see any significant meta use in PvE or PvP battles. As meta Pokémon, these guys go into the trash. Their primary appeal lies in their shiny form and the thrill of the hunt for dedicated collectors.

Shiny Trubbish in Events and Research

Niantic, the developers of Pokémon Go, often introduces increased shiny rates or boosted spawns for certain Pokémon during special events or through research tasks. These events can significantly improve a trainer’s chances of encountering a shiny Trubbish.

For example, during the Garbage Tour event in 2022, Trubbish and its evolved form, Garbodor, had increased spawn rates, allowing trainers to encounter them more frequently and potentially increasing their odds of finding a shiny variant.

Similarly, research tasks or special research lines may reward trainers with encounters or opportunities to catch shiny Trubbish, providing a more targeted approach to obtaining this elusive shiny Pokémon.

Trading and Community Involvement

In Pokémon Go, trading Pokémon with other trainers is a crucial aspect of the game, and it plays a significant role in the pursuit of shiny Pokémon. Trainers can increase their chances of obtaining a shiny Trubbish by participating in local communities, attending Pokémon Go events, and engaging in trades with other players.

Many Pokémon Go communities have dedicated shiny trading channels or groups where trainers can exchange their duplicate shiny Pokémon for desired shinies they don’t have. This collaborative approach not only fosters a sense of camaraderie among players but also increases the chances of obtaining rare shiny Pokémon like Trubbish.

Trubbish’s Evolution and Shiny Form

Trubbish evolves into Garbodor at level 36, and if a trainer is fortunate enough to catch or hatch a shiny Trubbish, its evolved form, Garbodor, will retain the same striking blue and green coloration.

While Garbodor’s shiny form may not be particularly appealing to some trainers due to its design, dedicated shiny collectors will undoubtedly appreciate the rarity and uniqueness of this shiny Pokémon.

Shiny Hunting Strategies

For trainers determined to add a shiny Trubbish to their collection, implementing effective shiny hunting strategies can be crucial. Here are some tips and tricks to increase your chances of encountering a shiny Trubbish:

  • Utilize Lures and Incense: Using lures and incense can increase the spawn rate of Pokémon in your vicinity, potentially increasing your chances of encountering a shiny Trubbish.
  • Participate in Relevant Events: Keep an eye out for events or research tasks that feature increased spawns or shiny rates for Trubbish. These events can significantly boost your odds of finding a shiny variant.
  • Check Nests: Trubbish can occasionally nest in certain areas, meaning they will spawn more frequently in those locations. Monitoring nest reports and visiting these areas can increase your chances of encountering a shiny Trubbish.
  • Trade with Friends: Trading with friends can be an effective way to obtain shiny Pokémon. If a friend has a spare shiny Trubbish, they may be willing to trade it with you.
  • Join Local Communities: Participating in local Pokémon Go communities can provide valuable information on shiny Trubbish sightings and potential nest locations, as well as opportunities for trading.
  • Be Patient and Persistent: Shiny hunting requires patience and persistence. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t encounter a shiny Trubbish immediately. Keep checking every Trubbish you come across, and eventually, your dedication may be rewarded.

Shiny Trubbish in the Pokémon Go Meta

As mentioned earlier, neither Trubbish nor Garbodor see any significant meta use in PvE or PvP battles in Pokémon Go. Their overall performance is generally lackluster compared to more powerful Pokémon in the same type matchups.

However, for dedicated collectors and shiny enthusiasts, the pursuit of a shiny Trubbish holds its own unique appeal. The thrill of the hunt and the rarity of this shiny Pokémon make it a coveted addition to any trainer’s collection, regardless of its battle prowess.


In conclusion, the existence of a shiny Trubbish in Pokémon Go adds an exciting element of rarity and collectability to the game. While Trubbish and its evolved form, Garbodor, may not be meta-defining Pokémon, their shiny variants offer a unique and visually striking addition to any trainer’s collection.

Whether you’re a dedicated shiny hunter or a casual player seeking to add some variety to your Pokédex, the pursuit of a shiny Trubbish can be a rewarding and engaging experience. Embrace the challenge, employ effective shiny hunting strategies, and don’t hesitate to engage with the vibrant Pokémon Go community for support and trading opportunities.

Remember, the true joy of Pokémon Go often lies in the journey itself, and the thrill of encountering a shiny Trubbish can be a defining moment in your Pokémon journey. So, keep your eyes peeled, and may the shiny luck be ever in your favor!

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What are the chances of encountering a shiny Trubbish?

The chances of encountering a shiny Trubbish in Pokémon Go are approximately 1 in 500 under normal circumstances. However, these odds can be increased during special events or through the use of shiny rate boosts implemented by Niantic.

Can shiny Trubbish be hatched from eggs?

Yes, shiny Trubbish can be hatched from eggs in Pokémon Go. While the chances are still incredibly low, dedicated players have reported hatching shiny Trubbish from various egg types.

Does shiny Trubbish have any advantages in battle?

No, shiny Trubbish and its evolved form, Garbodor, do not possess any inherent advantages in battle compared to their regular counterparts. The shiny status is purely cosmetic and does not affect a Pokémon’s stats or performance.

Can shiny Trubbish be encountered in the wild?

Yes, shiny Trubbish can be encountered in the wild in Pokémon Go. However, due to its rarity, the chances of finding one in the wild are incredibly low.

Does shiny Garbodor have the same color scheme as shiny Trubbish?

Yes, if you evolve a shiny Trubbish into Garbodor, it will retain the same striking blue and green coloration as its pre-evolved form.

Are shiny Trubbish and Garbodor more valuable for trading?

In the Pokémon Go trading community, shiny Pokémon are generally more valuable and sought after than their regular counterparts. As such, shiny Trubbish and Garbodor may hold more value for trading purposes, particularly among collectors and dedicated shiny hunters.

Can shiny Trubbish be obtained through raids?

No, Trubbish and its evolved form, Garbodor, are not currently available as raid bosses in Pokémon Go. Therefore, it is not possible to obtain shiny Trubbish or Garbodor through raid battles.

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